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Upbit KR is one of South Korea's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, operated by Dunamu and launched in October 2017. The platform is renowned for its extensive range of trading pairs and its substantial user base, being the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the country by trading volume and customer count. Upbit KR offers over 300 trading pairs, including KRW/EOS, BTC/KRW, BTC/ETH, and many others. Upbit KR is distinguished by its robust security measures, implementing stringent KYC and AML protocols. Despite past security incidents, such as the theft of 342,000 ETH in 2019, the exchange compensated users and enhanced its security infrastructure. Additionally, Upbit KR has faced regulatory challenges, but its employees were acquitted of fraud charges in 2018. Users can access Upbit KR via a mobile app available for iOS and Android, making trading convenient on the go. The exchange also provides a user-friendly web interface and dedicated customer support. Please note that this page specifically refers to Upbit KR, the South Korean entity. Upbit ID is a separate entity. For more information, visit Upbit KR's official channels: X (formerly Twitter) | YouTube | Facebook.

Portafoglio ordini
South Korea


Taker Fee: 0.25% Maker Fee: 0.25% KRW Market: Taker 0.05% | Maker 0.05%



Indirizzo completo

Seul, Gangnam-gu, Teheranro 4-gil 14, 5º andar Company registration number: 119-86-54968

Scambi correlati

Un elenco di scambi correlati. Il seguente elenco contiene i principali scambi crittografici che supportano Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP e altre famose monete alt. Inoltre, questo elenco fornisce una panoramica della panoramica per indicare quali scambi sono migliori per il trading attivo.

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