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1inch Network

1inch Network

The 1inch Network unites decentralized protocols whose synergy enables the most lucrative, fastest and protected operations in the DeFi space. The initial protocol of the 1inch Network is a DEX aggregator solution that searches deals across multiple liquidity sources, offering users better rates than any individual exchange. This protocol incorporates the Pathfinder algorithm which finds the best paths among different markets over more than 200 liquidity sources on Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimistic Ethereum, Arbitrum, Fantom and Gnosis Chain. In just over two years the 1inch DEX aggregator has reached 1M users and surpassed $140B in overall volume on the Ethereum network alone. The project consists of the following major components working in conjunction: The 1inch Aggregation Protocol facilitates cost-efficient and secure swap transactions across multiple liquidity sources. The 1inch Liquidity Protocol is a next-generation automated market maker that protects users from front-running attacks and offers attractive opportunities to liquidity providers. The 1inch Limit Order Protocol facilitates the most innovative and flexible limit order swap opportunities in DeFi. The protocol’s features, such as dynamic pricing, conditional orders and extra RFQ support, power various implementations, including stop-loss and trailing stop orders, as well as auctions. The 1inch Network has its own DAO and the 1INCH token — the governance and utility token currently available on Ethereum and BNB Chain over a bridge. The 1inch Wallet is the native mobile wallet of the 1inch Network that provides an easy-to-navigate interface with secure storing, transaction and staking capabilities. This versatile wallet was built from the ground up to streamline interacting with 1inch’s features. Website?? ?|?? Medium | ?Telegram?? ?|?? ?Twitter?? ?|?? YouTube | Discord | ?Reddit?? ?|?? ?Github? .








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