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ZrCoin Crypto Coin Rank 646
Sito web
4,988,893 ZRC

ZRC Coin Values ZRC

ZrCoin valuesUSD Prezzo
$ 0.6689

ZrCoin BTC Prezzo

ZrCoin 24h Vol
$ 59,403

ZrCoin Mercato
$ 3,337,244

24h Vol
1 H
-0.59 %
24 H
-0.78 %
7 d
-7.02 %
Oggi ZrCoin il prezzo in dollari USA è attualmente 0.6689 USD, e se convertito a Bitcoin è 0.00007231 BTC. Un totale di 4,988,893 ZRC sono attualmente in circolazione nel mercato. ZrCoin i prezzi stanno attualmente subendo un cambiamento -0.78 %, dai un'occhiata tutta criptovaluta. Nelle ultime 24 ore 0.001 M US dollars ZrCoin è stato scambiato su Scambi crittografici. Ottenere ZrCoin's progredire aggiungendolo al tuo preferite e creando un libero portafoglio.
Nome e cognome
BTC Prezzo
0.00007231 BTC
BTC Mercato
361 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
Monete totali estratte
4,988,893 ZRC
-0.59 %
-0.78 %
-7.02 %
Sito web
ZRC Grafici

ZrCoin Prezzo Grafici

ZRC Grafico dei prezzi alto / basso

ZrCoin Prezzo Grafico dei prezzi alto / basso

Dati storici

ZrCoin Crypto Technology


ZrCoin Crypto Market


ZrCoin Crypto ICO Description

ZrCoin is a cryptocurrency backed by synthetic Zirconium Dioxide (ZrO2), a refractory material with high plasticity and corrosion resistant properties extracted from waste materials,. ZrCoin (ZRC) is a Waves-based asset and it represents one Kg of Synth. ZrО2. An Initial Coin Offering took place to fund the production and distribution of the material. The token will then be purchased at the market value of Zirconium Dioxide (ZrO2). Investors will also be able to exchange their ZrCoins for the company’s stock if the company is eligible for IPO or to exchange it for BTC, fiat or other cryptos in independent exchanges that wish to list ZrCoin.


ZrCoin Crypto Technology

Sorry, detailed technology about ZrCoin is not currently available


ZrCoin Crypto Features

Sorry, detailed features about ZrCoin is not currently available

ICO Status

ZrCoin ICO Details

ICO Stato
Fornitura di token
Data d'inizio
Data di fine
Fondo raccolto (BTC)
838903 USD; 950 BTC; 670290 WAVES; 12373 LTC; 7407 ETH; 27973 ETC
Fondo raccolto (USD)
Prezzo iniziale (USD)
Società di audit di sicurezza
ICO Forma legale
ICO Giurisdizione
Consulenti legali
Carta bianca

ZrCoin (ZRC) is a Waves-based asset and it represents one Kg of Synth. ZrО2. An Initial Coin Offering took place to fund the production and distribution of the material. The token will then be purchased at the market value of Zirconium Dioxide (ZrO2). Investors will also be able to exchange their ZrCoins for the company’s stock if the company is eligible for IPO or to exchange it for BTC, fiat or other cryptos in independent exchanges that wish to list ZrCoin.

During the ZrCoin ICO campaign, investors were to purchase ZRC with various cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. The ICO was held from 11 May to 9 June 2017 and gathered roughly $7,000,000. The ICO started with a bonus of 6.66%. 

The buy back of ZrCoin tokens will be made via the ZrCoin website. Token repurchase value increases at a rate of 5.5% per month.Repurchasing is expected to begin one month after production is launched, around eight months after the ICO ends. The amount of funds spent on repurchases will exceed 400,000 USD per month.

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